At the beginning of 2020, we have heard rumors that there is a virus, which can cause chaos in the world. Many people did not believe that; however, everything changed rather quickly as the number of cases rose. Now, the world is dealing with a massive crisis, called COVID-19, in all the ways possible. Each country has its unique strategies, but the most common initiatives include quarantine, travel ban, and social distancing. Non-essential businesses are shutting down or continue working from home, schools and universities are, medical employees are standing in the front line.
Because finding out about new virus cases is essential for managing the healthcare system, countries have established drive-through testing posts. They are beneficial because they require as little contact between the public and medical employees as possible. It works pretty simply. Cities are choosing the right spot and deploying the temporary site, in which there‘s a medical booth with employees. The people, who think that they might be infected, drive with a car to the booth where the medical staff takes the details, registers the person, takes a sample, and stores it for later delivery to the lab. However, it is a bit more challenging to deploy such a solution quickly. To register the person that is being tested, the testing staff must have reliable connectivity to the Internet because they must input his or her data into the medical case registration system. The connectivity must also be secure to protect personal data and ensure there are no threats of anyone accessing medical databases. To summarize, amongst other logistical challenges, deploying drive-through testing facilities requires secure and reliable Internet connectivity that must be deployed immediately.
Apart from connection security & reliability, the essential solution features are ease of set-up and speed of deployment. In this particular application, RUTX11 plays an important role. This professional cellular router is used to provide Internet connectivity through 4G LTE by sharing it using Dual-Band Wi-Fi (2.4 & 5Ghz). On-site medical staff can register patient details using a wireless connection and ensure they forwarded to the medical case registration system, so their sample can be delivered to the lab and followed up if necessary. Also, the same RUTX11 can be connected directly to CCTV cameras or the Network Video Recorder (NVR) using Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. It is worth mentioning that this cellular router comes with Dual SIM functionality with an auto-failover feature, which means that you can set-up your connection to switch to a backup cellular provider if the primary one fails. Finally, all our routers are equipped with multiple VPN options and firewall for security. As mentioned before, the speed of deployment is crucial, but also is the ability to configure and set-up the temporary network over-the-air. RUTX11 complies with both of the requirements with the help of Teltonika RMS cloud platform. It allows the device to be preconfigured or configured remotely, so the medical teams don’t need to worry about any set-up or come into contact with any unnecessary technical staff.
- Fast deployment – RUTX11 is fast to set up and easy to use, it is ideal for professional temporary network deployments.
- Fast connection – With 4G LTE Cat6, this device is capable of speeds up to 300Mbps, which is more than sufficient to support both CCTV and case registration activities in the drive-though virus testing facility.
- Remote set-up & management – with Teltonika RMS, the router can be set-up and configured over the air to comply with all security requirements to satisfy internal medical systems for case registration.
As the world is facing a pandemic crisis, the tools chosen to help in this fight must be reliable and secure, ensuring fast to deploy mission-critical connectivity. Teltonika has more than two decades of experience designing, developing, and manufacturing IoT and Networks solutions that are validated in the most challenging public and private infrastructure solutions. We stand by the medical & emergency workers and continue to provide technology solutions that are secure, reliable, and easy to use.
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Rekomenduojamas gaminys
RUTX11Mobiliojo ryšio greitis iki 300Mbps su nešlių agregacija
Automatinio persijungimo, atsarginio WAN bei kiti scenarijai
Wave-2 802.11ac dvigubo dažnio WI-FI ir „Bluetooth“ LE
4 Gigabitiniai Eterneto lizdai, palaikantys iki 128 prievadais ar žymomis pajungtų VLAN