
4G Router for Photo Booth-to-server Data Transfer

La solución - conectividad perfecta

Dedem es sin duda una empresa con un gusto refinado, que ha seleccionado el router RUT200 4G de Teltonika como componente central para conectar sus cabinas de gotos a un servidor de sistema remoto y gestionar sin problemas numerosas tareas en las operaciones diarias.

El router móvil RUT200 es uno de los dispositivos más vendidos de la cartera de Teltonika, con muchos factores que contribuyen a su posición de liderazgo, siendo el principal su conectividad fiable.

Si su conexión es inestable, se interrumpe con frecuencia o causa problemas, este router 4G es el dispositivo que debe tener en cuenta. Conectado al SBC a través de un puerto RJ45, el RUT200 proporciona una sólida conexión LTE a esta solución, incluso en condiciones difíciles como lluvia intensa o fuertes vientos, lo que resulta perfecto para cabinas fotográficas controladas a distancia.

Al proporcionar una conexión estable, este router 4G garantiza la recepción de todos los comandos enviados desde la cabina a su sistema operativo basado en la nube, dejando a los usuarios satisfechos con su experiencia. Sin embargo, la conectividad fiable es sólo uno de sus muchos puntos fuertes.

El router móvil RUT200 funciona con RutOS, el sistema operativo (SO) de Teltonika desarrollado internamente, lo que hace que el router sea altamente personalizable y se adapte a necesidades específicas. Tanto si se trata de habilitar la transferencia de datos mediante protocolos de comunicación industriales como de ajustar la configuración de conectividad para obtener un rendimiento óptimo, RutOS lo tiene todo cubierto.

Además, el router RUT200 4G cuenta con una carcasa de aluminio de calidad industrial que le permite soportar entornos adversos. Funciona sin problemas a temperaturas de entre -40 °C y 75 °C y soporta niveles de humedad de entre el 10% y el 90% (sin condensación), lo que garantiza un rendimiento fiable en cualquier clima o situación.

Otro elemento fundamental de esta solución es el Sistema de Gestión Remota (RMS) de Teltonika. Con RMS, Dedem puede acceder de forma remota a cabinas de fotos individuales, supervisar los datos del router 4G y realizar diagnósticos como comprobar y restablecer los periféricos de hardware cuando sea necesario. Además, RMS Connect y VPN permiten establecer túneles VPN para conexiones seguras y controlar la SBC de una cabina de fotos.

En esencia, este caso de uso gira en torno a la creación de un sistema gestionado en la nube y accesible de forma remota para operar y mantener cabinas de fotos automatizadas, garantizando una alta continuidad operativa, diagnósticos en tiempo real y asistencia remota. Y puede confiar en que el router RUT200 4G no le defraudará.

The challenge – focus on the details 

Oh, how effortless it is to step into a photo booth, take pictures, and receive instant results either as physical prints or digital copies. No hassle with ink levels, paper jams, or misaligned frames—that’s the magic of a well-designed user experience. 

However, the technical side tells a different story: one of necessary complexity. 

As simple as they may seem, photo booths manage multiple tasks simultaneously: image processing, data transfer and storage, and photo distribution. In addition, many even offer real-time features like filters and branded overlays, which rely on network connectivity to function properly. 

Maintaining these machines also demands regular software updates to ensure smooth operation, data privacy, and the security of digital photos. As you’d expect, this, too, depends on remote management and continuous Internet support. And that’s just scratching the surface. 

Companies like Dedem S.p.A. design their photo booths using single-board computers (SBCs), which relay commands between users and a cloud-based operating system. 

While local caching can save one or two operations in case of connection loss, longer disruptions of such communication can impact performance and availability. So, it becomes clear that without reliable and continuous connectivity support, that seamless user experience can quickly unravel. 

Now, here’s the real question: what’s the best way to keep everything running smoothly and with an Internet connection available at all times? By choosing a networking device you can trust! 



The solution – picture-perfect connectivity 

Dedem is undoubtedly a company with refined taste, having selected Teltonika’s RUT200 4G router as the central component for connecting its photo booths to a remote system server and seamlessly managing numerous tasks in daily operations. 

The RUT200 mobile router is one of the best-selling devices in Teltonika’s portfolio, with many factors contributing to its top position, foremost being its reliable connectivity. 

If your connection is unstable, is frequently interrupted, or causes issues, this 4G router is the device to consider. Connected to the SBC via an RJ45 port, the RUT200 provides a robust LTE connection to this solution, even in challenging conditions like heavy rain or strong winds—perfect for remotely controlled photo booths. 

By providing a stable connection, this 4G router ensures that every command sent from the photo booth to its cloud-based operating system is received, leaving users satisfied with their experience. However, reliable connectivity is just one of its many strengths. 

The RUT200 mobile router runs on RutOS, Teltonika’s operating system (OS) developed in-house, making the router highly customisable and tailored for specific needs. Whether it’s enabling data transfer via industrial communication protocols or adjusting connectivity settings for optimal performance, RutOS has it covered. 

Besides this, the RUT200 4G router features industrial-grade aluminium housing, allowing it to withstand harsh environments. It operates seamlessly in temperatures from -40°C to 75°C and handles humidity levels from 10% to 90% (non-condensing), ensuring reliable performance in any weather or situation. 

Another critical element of this solution is Teltonika’s Remote Management System (RMS). With RMS, Dedem can remotely access individual photo booths, monitor the 4G router’s data, and perform diagnostics such as checking and resetting hardware peripherals when necessary. Additionally, RMS Connect and VPN allow the establishing of VPN tunnels for secure connections and control of a photo booth’s SBC. 

In essence, this use case revolves around creating a cloud-managed, remotely accessible system for operating and maintaining automated photo booths, ensuring high operational continuity, real-time diagnostics, and remote support. And you can trust that the RUT200 4G router will not let you down.

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